Sunday, January 16, 2011

How to NOT to eat fried worms

This was once piled high with worms. This is what was left over!

I started doing activities with the chapter books that I read aloud in class a couple years ago. This year, I was lucky to find different activities with How to Eat Fried Worms. I remember reading that when I was young so I thought I would share it with my class. For a culminating activity, the students had to pretend that if they eat four worms they would get $400.00. We brainstormed on things that they would eat with their worms. Here are few that they brainstormed on: peanut butter, caramel sauce, salsa, nacho cheese, whipped cream, ketchup, mustard, relish, bbq sauce, honey, ice cream, and lots more. I chose a couple from the list. They voted that they would all try honey, bbq sauce, taco sauce, whipped cream. However they did not know that I was bringing worms the next day for them to try.
I walked in the classroom with a platter of worms (okay they are really not worms) They are hot dogs sliced in half lengthwise and then again lengthwise. Then cooked in the microwave so they curl up.
The kids tried their "worms" with cool whip, bbq sauce, taco sauce, and honey. I couldn't bring in pb. I just couldn't. The looks on some of the girls were priceLESS. They all tried the different toppings.   
This crazy one above mixed all together to try.  Can you believe that the majority of the class picked honey as the favorite??

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