Saturday, March 26, 2011

How to find the just right book

My first grader came home today with his first chapter book. As a teacher, I knew he was not ready. I know that he reads at a first grade level and does not have the confidence yet for a longer book.The book that he checked out was almost at a third grade level. I don't think the teacher realized that students need to know how to find a book just right for them. I discussed with my son about how books might be too difficult. We talked about the five finger test and I showed him the poster that I use in my class.

In my own class, we discuss how to find the "JUST RIGHT" book.  I am not saying that the Accelerated Reading (A.R) program is the best thing EVER. but it serves as a good tool and starting point to help students pick out books to read.  Students do read a different levels and have been exposed to different experiences and vocabulary. Even though students may know their reading specific level. They also need to have the tools to help pick out books for them.  I have found that students pick out books that are similar to the ones that other friends pick out. However, they end up being too hard and it is discouraging. So this is why we practice and work on finding "just right" books.
The black boxes cover my picture of some of my students. For an object lesson on teaching students how to find a book that is just right.
1. I bring in two shirts: my husband's football jersey and my son's baby clothes. I purposely choose a smaller child for the jersey so it looks like they are totally swimming in it.
2. I take a picture of him in it and we talk about how a book might be "too" big or difficult. 
3. Then I take a picture of a student holding the baby clothes. We discuss how books are too easy.
4. The last picture is of a student in his or her normal clothes. We talk about how you know when a book is just right.

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